SMWS 84.14 (Glendullan) | 53.6% | Speyside
Distillery Info
Glendullan Distillery, Scotland founded: 1898 | active
For more detailed mapping of the distilleries in the area from our whisky map page, use this link.
For more detailed mapping of the distilleries in the area from our whisky map page, use this link.
Meet Deets
Meet #26 | 14/07/12 | Hosted by Hamish
It was time to try a Glenmorangie, and the Lasanta seemed a reasonable starting point - a sherried bottling, part of the standard range. We also nailed half a SMWS bottle, just for fun.
It was time to try a Glenmorangie, and the Lasanta seemed a reasonable starting point - a sherried bottling, part of the standard range. We also nailed half a SMWS bottle, just for fun.
Other bottles sampled:
#46 Glenmorangie Lasanta | SSWC review 26a
#46 Glenmorangie Lasanta | SSWC review 26a
This nose is full of intrigue and is slightly chaotic: anything from abisnthe-soaked sugar cubes to a subtle blue cheese. It's not sea salt or sea spray this time, but sea foam – the lightest of salty touches. Things get a bit more normal (for us) with the fruity-sweetness of glacé cherries but the aroma end with a mysterious offer...
It's possible we were a bit boozy at this point as tastes include Germaline, Benedictine and a Belgian asshole (I doubt that will come up again). Things then get somewhat snacky, with Ritz crackers and cheddar, sweetened with a little barley sugar, all washed down with a glass of lemonade. (We were pretty hot on product placement with this one, for some reason).
Finish & Comments
A picture of a cock (not drawn by Hamish).
~£63 (70cl)
Useful Links
SMWS: 84.14 Very Drinkable Indeed! |
Wikipedia: Glendullan Distillery |
Wikipedia: Glendullan Distillery |
N/A |
Detailed scores (out of 10)
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Tasting Game Points (out of 0)
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