A tasting site dedicated to grain whisky.

Boutique-y Loch Lomond Batch 1

Loch Lomond Distillery - Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire
That Boutique-y Whisky Company bottling.
WhiskyBase reference page

For info   Reviews on this site try to be pretty free-form, focusing on the overall feeling of the dram as well as specific flavours. The scoring is biased towards taste (the key factor!), and drams are always tested against a control or as part of a group test.

Tastes & Smells
Began smelling of apples, stale cheese and deep toffee. Rhubarb & Custard sweets gave way to something pretty sherry-like/ It changed quite a lot on the taste: sour, salty and a little fruity (lime), with crabs and steamed pak choi mixing things up a bit. Slightly minty toffee as well. It finished off tangy and creamy, then lemon toffee.

The nose didn't give much away, whilst the tastes weren't that obvious but were at least quite diverse when they did appear. It was a little harsh on the finish, and quite honestly, it wasn't very memorable even halfway through drinking it. Not bad though, just not exciting.

Summary & Ramblings
I was drinking this on a beach, but it made me think of being by a sea loch: salty air, green loch-side plants and interesting sealife. However, if it weren't for the beach location, I'd not remember this at all.


  The beach-based sampling perhaps influence some of the tastes.

Not memorable, not awful, not amazing. Some quite interesting tastes, but they really took a while to be eked out and didn't stay with me for long. This SMWS Loch Lomond was far superior.

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